It took about a hundred trips of sand in a wheelbarrow to fill one room. Now, this 50lb homemade compactor and I get to level everything out. To say I’m exhausted is an understatement. But the kids in the background, sitting in a classrooms that could cave on them any day, is what keeps me...Read More
This is not an old abandon barn used for animals that you see. These are actual classrooms currently being used at an elementary school. Children are in these classrooms daily trying their best to get an education. I’m working tirelessly to help improve these conditions but I cannot do it alone. Please donate and share...Read More
Operation Build a School is in full effect! There’s no need for gym time today. I got my workout in by moving 1500 bricks, which is no joke! I was going to stop when it started to get dark outside until these neighborhood munchkins stopped by to cheer me on.Read More
There are 85 kids enrolled from pre-K to 4th grade who will attend school in this building. This is unacceptable and I am determine to do something about it. There are 85 kids enrolled from pre-K to 4th grade who will attend school in this building. This is unacceptable and I am determine to do...Read More
Check out the project that Gabe’s Kids is currently working on!! We are out in the fields doing agricultural work and planting the seeds for a better tomorrow. Any donation is very much appreciated! Let’s change children’s lives together!! What is Gabe’s Kids all about you ask? It’s a tax exempt nonprofit. We travel around...Read More
A man trying to keep his son off the streets came up with a great idea to open an arcade center. I offered my assistance in between other projects and we quickly went to work. A few days before opening, this man gave me the honor and privilege of naming his arcade center. Last week,...Read More
Hello World! I’m Gabe Tandoh and through Gabe’s Kids I want to help the Holy Child Preparatory School in Ghana who is in desperate need of a safe building structure. It’s a preschool and elementary school that was founded 15 years ago with kids ages 2 ½ to 8 years old. The school currently has...Read More